Saturday, February 22, 2014

Four to five

In six short weeks my family of four will grow to five! Six weeks seems like forever for this pregnant Mama but in all reality it's not. To be honest, three kids scares me. I am so excited to see this little man that has been growing inside me, but I worry at the same time. I worry that this little man will have colic and acid reflux like Andrew(Andrew seriously screamed for the first four months of his life), something during delivery will go wrong or that something will be physically wrong with the baby. I just wrapped up a class called 'Working with Children with Special Needs' and let me tell you, that class created a lot of sleepless nights for this Mama. I think every Mother gets antsy towards the end and thinks about all the what if's, it's normal. 

So, instead of worrying about the baby so much I have been trying really hard to focus on the now. My now is school (finally finishing up a degree), my amazing husband and two beautiful children. This last week Andrew had a mid-winter break and I tried to take advantage of that time. We worked on lot's of projects, put in hours of reading and explored our little town more. During this break it hit me that this was my last full week to enjoy the kids just being kids. In March Brandon switches to swing shift and I start my field experience for school. To finish my field experience Ava will be put into daycare for the first time and Andrew will be in school. March is going to be a crazy busy month and I hope we can make the most of it before the baby arrives. We have fun weekends planned to make up for the crazy work weeks so I hope the kids won't suffer. I know lots of Mom's work, but for me this is new. I have been a stay at home Mom since Andrew was born so the thought of being gone all week from the house makes me nervous. 

As my time as a family of four quickly comes to a end I wanted to capture my children before life gets busy. I plan to take the babies newborn photos so I had to play with the lighting in my house. The natural light was coming in perfectly through our living room window. I am so happy with how these photos turned out and plan to frame them soon. We may have had to talk about farts to get these smiles, but hey it worked! Don't judge my techniques ha ha! 

Monday, November 25, 2013

It's a…

It's a BOY!!! 

Our little man is scheduled to arrive on April 9, 2014 and complete our family! 

Little Man's profile 

Our family of four will soon turn into five :) 

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Conrath Family

Wow, my first non-family photo shoot! The Conrath family was the perfect "guinea pig" family for me to start with. The Conraths are such a fun and sweet family that we've known for 3-4 years. To top it off they have  adorable children. I was nervous going into this shoot but this family quickly put my nerves at ease. They were so easy to work with and I loved watching their family interact on a different level. After this shoot I can see why photographers love their jobs so much! Enjoy :) 

Clara is only  a few weeks older than Andrew

Adorable kiddos :) 

My favorite! 

Hudson decided to slip Mommy the tongue during a kiss! The whole family got a good laugh. 

Love this!

Could this boy be any cuter?!

Beautiful ladies

Thank you Conrath Family for letting me practice with your family! I truly enjoyed the experience. 

Monday, October 28, 2013

Family pictures

I told my sister-in-law that I wanted to play around with my camera and try to get a few pictures of Hunter and Caliea. I then told Amanda I wanted her and John in the pictures too. Well, that idea quickly turned into family photos with everyone included. I was a tad nervous, but I'm so glad that we all decided to do family photos. Our last family picture taken was when Hunter was just a few months old! We were definitely over due so I thought I might as well get the practice and see what I can do.  

I am really happy with how these photos turned out. As you know, I have been struggling with my focus and ISO settings. I wasn't quite sure what I was doing wrong so I asked my friend Marissa for some pointers. With Marissa's tips I was able to control my focus and ISO much better this time around.   The fact that I was able to get 10 faces in focus was a huge success for me :) Thank you Marissa! 

The kids with Grandma and Grandpa 

My sister-in-law and her family 

Love that cheesy grin on Hunter's face! 

I can't believe that in April this group of four will turn into five! 

Ah, those eyes! 

We tried to beat the rain but failed :(